The machine room comes alive!
Discovering traditional jobs and skills in Ardèche!
Discovering traditional jobs and skills in Ardèche!
I was one of the small pair of hands at the silk mill. Hands that worked among so many others, carefully repeating precise, tiny technical movements, time after time, so that when I walked back into that large space full of machines, it all came rushing back!
EVERYTHING! The smell, the noise, the feel of the silk thread, the boss’s instructions, the rotating bobbins and the people who worked there. My husband and I spent 15 years working in this mill, sharing so many memories. This visit took us back 30 years, as though time had stood still – I could see myself as a young girl, eating my snack on a break…
I always think that you can go on your travels, as far away as you like, taking thousands of photos, but the most beautiful voyages are those imprinted in our own history.
J'ai aimé :
Fresh water springs (drinkable) in the village!
Perimeter walk around the village to the ‘January’ spring.